The NSW government has issued a brief response to the Rosehill Select Committee report, giving its support to two of the five recommendations of parliamentary inquiry.

Chris Minns
A meeting between NSW Premier Chris Minns and an Australian Turf Club executive became a centrepiece of the Rosehill Select Committee inquiry. (Photo by Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images)

The official response was published late on Thursday, as the deadline to reply was set to expire. It runs four pages but the aspect which deals with the five recommendations of the Select Committee is just 253 words. Extraordinarily, the word Rosehill was not one of them.

That is in reply to the Committee’s 145-page report handed down in December which came after four days of public hearings and more than 120 submissions. As well as the five recommendations, the Committee report also featured 10 key findings.

The findings weren’t addressed in the government’s response while of the five recommendations, two were passed back by the government to the Legislative Council.

Significantly, that included a recommendation that an inquiry be set up into the operations of Racing NSW, while it also deferred recommendation five, surrounding the Parliamentary Evidence Act.

The two recommendations it offered support for were regarding Ministerial Diary Disclosures and a review taking place into the Thoroughbred Racing Act.

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