Bren O'Brien

Bren O'Brien

Total 340 Posts
Bren is the founder and managing editor of The Straight.

$53 million budget tax hit for Victorian racing

The Victorian government has slashed its estimated tax revenue from racing and sports betting in the current and upcoming financial years by $53 million in a forecast which could have a significant impact on the local racing industry.

Tweaks in troubled UK affordability checks a heads-up for Australia

The implementation of affordability checks on punters in the United Kingdom may have taken a ‘move in the right direction’, but the troubled process is a lesson for countries like Australia, which may consider similar measures.

Management changes at Widden Stud as Ben Walsh assumes key role

Widden Stud has confirmed changes to the management of the historic Thompson family business, with Ben Walsh elevated to the role of stud manager.

Run The Numbers – Service fees have their reckoning

Over 43 per cent of commercial Australian stallions have had their service fees reduced in 2024, the highest percentage since the pandemic-impacted 2020 season. This week’s Run The Numbers charts the downward trend.

McGauran backs Rosehill process, insists on members’ vote

Australian Turf Club chairman Peter McGauran has defended the process around the Rosehill sale proposal and insists ATC members will have final say on whether it proceeds.

Shamus Award comes back in price as Doull joins Rosemont roster

Rosemont Stud has continued the trend of service fee reductions across the board, while introducing Snitzel’s son Doull to its five-strong Victorian roster.

The mission to resuscitate The Pattern

A Racing Australia board meeting will consider the next steps for The Pattern, the system of black-type racing which has remained stagnant in Australia for the past five years.
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