The Melbourne Premier Sale bucked the overall trend of the yearling market, with the diversity of the buying bench and the catalogue credited with helping Victoria’s sole live yearling auction for the year improve its metrics on 2024. Tim Rowe reports.

The $1 million Frankel colt from Rosemont was the equal sale-topper. (Photo: Darren Tindale - The Image Is Everything)

It could be argued that the Melbourne Premier Yearling Sale faces more scrutiny than any other select bloodstock auction in the country.

For many reasons, none more so than because it is now Victoria’s sole live yearling auction each year, the results of Premier can dictate the mood of the state’s breeding industry.

Victoria doesn’t carry the weight of the Hunter Valley stallion farms, but there’s still many heavy hitters involved south of the border, even away from the oversized influence of Yulong.

And those hardened businessmen aren’t afraid to voice their displeasure if they feel things haven’t gone as they should, particularly when it comes to their Premier sale.

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