Kalgoorlie’s 2025 racing season has been salvaged after a $261,000 grant from the Western Australian government has allowed the race club to get access to water for the time being.

The Cook Labor government will give the funding to the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Racing Club (KBRC), buying time for the Club and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to resolve their ongoing impasse.
The crisis has been blamed on a deal between council and a West Australian mining company which guarantees recycled water for the operation, but which resulted in a 700 per cent increase in costs for the racing club.
Talks to reach terms on a supply of recycled water for the racecourse recently broke down and as Racing WA, KBRC and council officials met, it was revealed that the racing club has only a week’s worth of water left in its on-course catchment dam.
Premier Roger Cook said while the overall issue does not concern the state government, it was important to provide some certainty after the first meeting of the Kalgoorlie season on March 21 had to be moved to Esperance, 400km away.
"Country races are such an important part of living the regions, and they help to support our regional economies,” he said.
"My WA Labor Government is stepping in to fix this issue and make sure the races run this year.
Kalgoorlie Labor MLA Ali Kent had become closely involved with the issue when it became apparent that racing in the regional city was under threat.
"The racing industry is incredibly important to the Goldfields. Not only is it an important part of our local economy, it's an important part of our history, which is why I'm very proud to have delivered this outcome for our community,” she said.
"This means racing can go ahead in 2025, and gives the race club and the council time to work this out ahead of the 2026 season. I've been working hard with both the club and the council on this issue and will continue to do so until a long term resolution is agreed.”
The KBRC stages 25 meetings annually with its Kalgoorlie Cup carnival known as the attracting visitors from Perth, regional WA and interstate.

The WA government has backed the introduction of a slot race from 2025 with $1.5 million in funding over the next three years.
At this stage, the $1 million Golden Saddle will be held on Kalgoorlie Cup day as regional Australia’s richest slot race.
"This is a win for the Kalgoorlie community, and it is a win for our racing industry,” Racing and Gaming Minister Paul Papalia said.
"Regional racing helps sustain local jobs, drive tourism and strengthen the local economy.
"And this gives all players the next 12 months to sort this matter out and secure the future of racing in the Goldfields."