Racing Victoria is a step closer to determining its next chief executive with a shortlist of candidates identified and interviews with prospective appointees set to get underway.

Tim Eddy
Chairman Tim Eddy is leading Racing Victoria's process to appoint a new chief executive. (Photo: Western Sydney Airport)

Applications for the role, which was left vacant by the sudden departure of Andrew Jones in April, closed on July 15 with a board sub-committee, led by newly appointed chairman Tim Eddy, working with recruitment company Heidrick and Struggles.

The sub-committee is said to be happy with the quality of applicants and having worked through a short list, are now progressing to the interview stage with preferred candidates.

The identity of those on the shortlist has not been made public.

The Straight understands that new board appointees Tim Rourke and Mark Player have been closely involved with the process.

One name certain to be on the shortlist is interim chief executive Aaron Morrison, who has made no secret of his desire to assume the role.

The former chief operating officer and chief financial officer has worked closely to mend bridges between the RV executive and several stakeholders who were unhappy with the regime under Jones.

Morrison has been at Racing Victoria since 2017, initially as chief commercial officer and CFO, before adding the COO role to his portfolio under Jones’s tenure.

Morrison is the leading internal candidate for the role, with several external prospects among prominent applicants.

The board remains keen to make the appointment ahead of the start of the spring carnival. Unless the leading candidate was internal, it would be unlikely that person would be able to start in the role before the spring.  

The five (seven) biggest priorities for the new Racing Victoria CEO
With the mission to find the new chief executive of Racing Victoria now on in earnest, Bren O’Brien looks at the five - well actually seven things - which should be at the top of the new boss’ to-do list.