Australasia’s foremost bloodstock firms will be asked to submit pitches to sell the outstanding racemare Imperatriz following the 10-time Group 1 winner’s retirement from racing.

Te Akau Racing principal David Ellis confirmed on Thursday that Imperatriz had run her last race, ending a spectacular career that started in New Zealand and finished with a rush of Group 1 wins in Australia.
Imperatriz bows out after her fourth-placed finish to Chain Of Lightning in the TJ Smith Stakes at Randwick on Saturday, the only time she has missed a top-two finish in Australia in 10 starts.
In keeping with recent Te Akau decisions to offer its elite racemares for public auction, Ellis confirmed Imperatriz would be sold as one of the most valuable broodmare prospects in the world.
“We’ll get reports from the three sales companies - New Zealand Bloodstock, Magic Millions and Inglis,” he told The Straight.
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