Melbourne Cup-winning owner Barry Pang is a man who has never been afraid to think outside the square.

After all, launching a business based on a distinctly 'foreign' martial art in the early 1970s was not exactly mainstream thinking at a time when Australia was, shall we say, slightly less cosmopolitan than it is now.
But the Melburnian has never been one to shy away from a challenge and he made his entrepreneurial instinct and his technical skills in the Chinese art of Kung Fu pay, setting up one of the first fighting schools in his home city.
The success of the business put Pang in the limelight and, in one way or another - especially in the racing world - Pang has been a highly recognisable figure for decades. The family tradition for being in the spotlight is being carried on by his actor son Chris, who starred in the film Crazy Rich Asians.
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