The weanling market may be more speculative than buying yearlings or mares, but it is arguably the most commercially driven aspect of the bloodstock market.

There are myriad reasons why buyers would take the more speculative route and purchase a weanling rather than bide their time and wait until the more traditional yearling sales.
For Mick Malone, principal of the new outfit North, it was about bolstering his yearling draft for 2025.
Jo Griffin, from Lime Country, hadn’t purchased a foal at a sale before this year in four years, but strong competition in the mares’ market forced her and husband Greg, into a change of tack midway through the sales season.
Bruce Slade, Gai Waterhouse and Adrian Bott’s bloodstock man for the past three-and-half years, was there looking for a racehorse, hoping that getting in a year early on a well-bred filly would prove canny business.
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